• Stop saying the wrong thing to your prospects.
  • Monday, July 17, 2006

    Unlimited Income Potential

    Most people trade their time for money. You want more money, you work more hours or get paid more per hour. There are only so many hours a week a person can work. Though professionals are paid more per hour than salaried workers are, they still reach their limit because they are limited by what they personally can do. Eventually a person being paid through their own efforts will reach the top of their earning potential.

    How would you like to be paid what you are worth instead of what a job is worth? That is what happens in network marketing/MLM. No longer are you limited by the confines of your job description. There is no artificial ceiling put on your earnings.

    A good marketing plan will have a seamless worldwide compensation plan. The possibility for unlimited expansion means the chance for unlimited growth of income. As you sign up new marketing representatives into your organization, and they in turn do the same, your organization will grow at an accelerated rate. As more products are moved through your organization, your income increases proportionately.

    In network marketing/mlm, you can have income without personally creating that income.


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